Win a $100 Disney Gift Card!

Posted:  Freebies

Our new blog is already a week old and we think it’s time to celebrate! What better way to welcome our new friends than with a giveaway? Just to say “thanks for stopping by,” we’re holding a drawing for a $100 Disney gift card. For a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on any of our blog posts telling us what you’d like to see on future posts. That’s it. Well, unless, you’re an over-achiever and want even more chances to win. In that case, read on…

We are very excited about our new blog and we’d like to let the world know about it. If you’d like to help us spread the news, you can earn extra entries by doing any [or all] of the following:

  • “Like” us on facebook = 5 extra entries!
  • Tell your friends about us = 5 extra entries!!
  • Tweet about our giveaway = 5 extra entries!!!
Wouldn’t you like a little extra spending money on their next Disney vacation? To get your entry started just log in below [with facebook or your email] and follow the easy instructions. Good luck everyone! We’ll announce the winner on April 30, 2012. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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