93 Days & Counting: Anticipating My Very First Disney Cruise!

Posted:  Cruises Disney Cruise Line

Up until now, I have lived a cruise-less life. I’d never been jealous of family or friends who had gone on cruises, nor had I felt the desire to go on one myself. Perhaps it was that unfortunate rocky overnight European ferry trip that I careened my way through back in high school, or maybe it ties into my severe flight anxiety, but my mindset is often something along the lines of “the more I can keep my feet firmly on the ground, the better.”

 However, that began to change when I started working at David’s Vacation Club Rentals. 

stateroom on the Disney Dream

As many of you might know, David’s doesn’t just facilitate Disney Vacation Club point rentals; we also work directly with 4 top-ranking cruise lines: Norwegian Cruise Line, Celebrity Cruises, Royal Caribbean, and of course, Disney Cruise Line. 

Waterslides from a Royal Caribbean ship

Central Park area of a Royal Caribbean ship

DVC Owners can participate in our Cruise Swap Program, wherein they rent their points and put the funds towards a cruise, and we’re also able to book cruises for non-DVC Members as well!

AquaDuck on the Disney Dream

 While I am not a Cruise Specialist myself, one can’t help but feel the special kind of magic associated with cruises when working at David’s, and the more exposure I had to that magic, the more enamored I became with the idea of cruising.

Front of the Disney Dream as it sails across the seas

Indeed, “feet on the ground” Kristen found herself daydreaming of things she’d long forgotten – namely, that Disney Cruise Line commercial from the 90s that played before her well-worn VHS copy of Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, which incidentally, is a delight year-round. You know the ad; the one where cloud Mickey and cloud Goofy are floating above Cinderella’s Castle and Mickey forms a cloud ship, and then Goofy sneezes, and the ship emerges from a cumulus cluster, transformed into Disney’s first cruise ship, the Disney Magic? Yeah, I knew you remembered.

 This advertisement prompted viewers to “discover uncharted magic,” an invitation that sent kids tripping over themselves to plead with their parents to take them on a Disney cruise. “There’s stuff for kids and adults,” we’d proclaim as the years went on, citing additional campaigns and incredibly enticing promotions that aired like clockwork each time we watched our favorite Disney movies.

 Now, my father is very much a “feet on the ground” kind of guy, which is likely why he opted to drive three children all the way to Walt Disney World from Ontario, Canada, rather than fly into Orlando. While experiencing the Most Magical Place on Earth together remains our most cherished family vacation, we also recognized that getting dad onto “a giant boat in the middle of the gosh darn ocean” was very unlikely and let go of the idea of embarking on a Disney cruise. For us, the notion continued to hover above the castle in a cloud, abstract and, after a while, mostly forgotten.

 Well, here we are, twenty-some-odd years later, and I am tickled pink to finally say that I am going on a Disney cruise in April! 

Disney Dream

When the amazing opportunity to travel on the Disney Dream was offered to me, it was as though every bit of excitement I’d felt as a child rushed back to the forefront of my mind. Cloud Mickey vibes, big time. Reading that e-mail was overwhelming in the best way possible, and I will fully admit to tearing up in the waiting area at the garage where my car was being serviced at the time.

Disney Dream

I’ve said it before, but working for David’s is a genuine pleasure because we are able to help bring magic to someone’s day, every day. In turn, there’s always a little bit of magic in our day as well. That said, when presented with your own forthcoming Disney adventure, the magnitude of that magic hits a little differently. 

Mini-golf course on the Disney Dream

ping pong on the Disney Dream

There are so many experiences I cannot wait to have on the Disney Dream, but here’s a sample of what I’m most excited for:


Castaway Cay

Sign welcoming guests to Castaway Cay

When I first heard about Castaway Cay, Disney’s private island in the Bahamas, I thought, “Oh, that’s cool – a private beach.” Little did I know that there are so many different activities available to guests, such as bike rentals, the Castaway Cay 5K, snorkeling, twisting water slides at Pelican Plunge, an adult-only oasis called Serenity Bay, stingray hang-outs, and so much more!

Goofy at Castaway Cay

Pelican Plunge at Castaway Cay

Sign for Serenity Bay at Castaway Cay



As someone with dietary restrictions, I can sometimes be a little apprehensive about new dining experiences. That said, I have only heard wonderful things about the dining offered aboard Disney Cruise Line and how kind and accommodating the Cast Members are. I cannot wait to visit all three of the rotational dining locations: Animator’s Palate, Enchanted Garden, and (perhaps the one I’m most excited for) Royal Palace and experience the unique ambiance each restaurant offers. 

Chandelier in the Royal Palace restaurant on the Disney Dream

Table setting in the Royal Palace restaurant on the Disney Dream

Close up image of the table décor in the Royal Palace restaurant on the Disney Dream

Moreover, I hope to discover some delicious mocktails to sip away at while leisurely exploring the deck.


Beauty and the Beast

As alluded to earlier, I happen to be a big Beauty and the Beast buff. While it is “the tale as old as time,” I always feel as if I’m experiencing the story anew when I see it presented in a new way. This is why Disney Cruise Line’s Broadway-caliber musical production is at the very top of my “Must Do” list when aboard the Disney Dream.

Walt Disney Theater on the Disney Dream

 From our anticipated arrival at Port Canaveral to actually boarding the ship, then sailing to the Bahamas, the journey as a whole is what I’m most looking forward to. 

Mickey-Head tunnel at Port Canaveral

While that “feet on the ground” mindset hasn’t entirely dissipated, my ever-growing excitement and nostalgic sense of curiosity and wonder surmount any lingering hesitations. I cannot wait to embark on the Disney Dream with my wonderful David’s teammates and report back on my experiences! 

feet up on balcony rail while the Disney Dream is sailing the seas

Disney Dream at sunset




DVC Rentals Magical Hat